Eternity Complex

Soon to be the #1 source of information on the Sega series known as Eternal Champions on the internet.

Eternal Champions was a series released in 1993 by Sega of America. The first game was for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis while the sequel was for the Sega CD/ Sega Mega CD. There was a third game planned but it was canceled.

 Wednesday, January 12, 2011: Hey guys. I know I've left this site under contstruction for a long time. I apologize, and am here to bring you good news: I plan on updating the site little by little whenever I can. Also have a Xat chat in the works for EC fans who wanna hang out and stuff. As for updates added an empty section. Character Bios will go there whenever I get around to it.

Monday May 31st,  2010: GRAND OPENING!!!! Visit the forums for details and other good stuff. Some sections are still under construction. Please bear with me as I continue working on the site in the next few days.

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